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Published in 规划师, 2011



Published in 城市规划学刊, 2012



Published in 现代城市研究, 2012


Application of travel activity scheduler for household agents in a Chinese city

Published in Transportation Research Record, 2014

The travel activity scheduler for household agents (TASHA) is an operational rule-based model that generates activity schedules and travel patterns for a 24-h typical weekday for all persons in a household. This paper reports the application and validation of the model in Changzhou, China. The data cleaning procedure of the traditional household survey and the verification results of the rules used in the TASHA are presented. After the results of the activity generation and scheduling models were analyzed, an iterative approach was applied to inflating the observed activity rates to calibrate the results. The model was shown to replicate observed activity frequency, tour frequency, and trip start time fairly accurately at the regional level. The activity duration of the model was underestimated by 13.1%, but this underestimate did not add much bias to the shape of the duration distribution by start time. The final model results show that the TASHA is an attractive alternative to conventional modeling systems currently used in Changzhou.

Modeling household car ownership using ordered logit model

Published in Journal of Southeast University, 2014

Considering both the discrete and ordered nature of the household car ownership, an ordered logistic regression model to predict the household car ownership is established using the data of Nanjing household travel survey in the year 2012. The model results show some household characteristics such as the number of drive licenses, the household income and the home location were significant. Yet, the intersection density indicating the street pattern of home location, and the dummy near the subway and the bus stop density indicating the transit accessibility of home location are insignificant. The model estimation obtains a good ɤ2 (the goodness of fit of the model) and the model validation also shows a good performance in prediction. The marginal effects of all the significant explanatory variables are calculated to quantify the odds change in the household car ownership following a one-unit change in the explanatory variables.


Published in 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2014



Published in 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2015



Published in 城市问题, 2016



Published in 城市交通, 2016



Published in 城市规划, 2017



Published in 现代城市研究, 2018



Published in 城市问题, 2018



Published in 现代城市研究, 2019


Propensity score weighting with generalized boosted models to explore the effects of the built environment and residential self-selection on travel behavior

Published in Transportation Research Record, 2019

Many studies have examined the association between the built environment, residential self-selection, and travel behavior. However, few studies have quantified the relative contribution of the built environment itself. Using the 2012 Nanjing Household Travel Survey data, this study applied hierarchical clustering and propensity score weighting to study the effects of the built environment and residential self-selection on travel behavior. First, residents’ household locations were classified into four built environment patterns using hierarchical clustering based on six built environment variables by loosely following the ‘‘5Ds’’ (i.e., density, diversity, design, destination accessibility, and distance to transit). Second, a powerful machine learning method, generalized boosted model (GBM), was employed to obtain propensity scores. Propensity score weighting, which is more effective for multiple treatments than matching or stratification, was used to control for residential self-selection. Lastly, the observed effect (OBE), the average treatment effect on the population (ATE), and the built environment proportion (BEP) were calculated for the walking trip frequency, bicycle trip frequency, public transit trip frequency, and vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT) of six pairs of built environment patterns. The results show that a high-density, mixed-use, walkable, and transit-accessible built environment is associated with more walking trips and lower VKT but has no impact on bicycle trips and has an inconsistent impact on public transit trips. The effects of some built environment variables on bicycle and public transit trips are tangled. The residential self-selection effect has the greatest impact on VKT (BEP: 48%–77%), followed by the walking trip frequency (BEP: 62%–74%) and the public transit frequency (BEP: 90%–107%).

Evaluating route and frequency design of bus lines based on data envelopment analysis with network epsilon-based measures

Published in Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019

Increasing the efficiency of bus transit remains to be a challenge of urban transportation. Since the optimization of bus routes and their frequencies is significant for transit efficiency, this study aims to develop two data envelopment analysis (DEA) models using network epsilon-based measures (NEBMs). The first NEBM model adopts twelve indicators to evaluate the rationality of the route network design; the second NEBM model uses nine indicators to evaluate the efficiency of the frequency setting. Both NEBM models can simultaneously consider radial and nonradial inputs and outputs and dig into details of the “input/output transformation box.” Finally, the bus transit system of Nanjing in China is used as a case study. Results show that the overall efficiency of network route design is higher than that of frequency setting. According to comparisons between descriptive statistics of the top and bottom performers, inefficiency causes of bottom performers are identified and corresponding improvement measures are suggested. The proposed models are helpful for the development of bus transit systems and can be applied on a yearly/monthly basis.


Published in 浙江工业大学学报, 2019


Application of machine learning with a surrogate model to explore seniors daily activity patterns

Published in Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2021

Investigating seniors’ daily activity patterns (DAPs) is essential to understand their activity-travel needs. Although some studies have applied machine learning (ML) to derive DAPs, few of them have sought to improve the interpretability of ML. This study aims to predict and interpret seniors’ DAPs in the Chinese context by using ML with a surrogate model. First, a boosted C5.0 algorithm was employed to model seniors’ DAPs, which provided more accurate predictions than the multinomial logit (MNL) model. Second, a rule-based C5.0 algorithm was used as a surrogate model to approximate the prediction function of the boosted C5.0 algorithm and to provide insight into the underlying decision processes in the boosted C5.0 algorithm. The results show that retired men are most likely to lack out-of-home activities. A good residential built environment, especially good walkability and public transit accessibility, increases seniors’ out-of-home activities. This study provides recommendations for increasing seniors’ mobility.

The determinants of shared bike use in China

Published in Transportation, 2021

Free-floating bike share (FBS) represents a new generation of bike share schemes and provides mobility opportunities that influence people’s daily travel. Understanding the determinants of FBS use can provide a basis for the further development of bike share programs and support related policymaking. Previous studies have used survey data with rather small samples and have focused only on FBS users while ignoring nonusers. The influences of information and communication technology (ICT) use and social context are under-researched. By using a dataset that is nationally representative of the potential users of FBS in China, this study applied a two-stage Bayesian multilevel hurdle model to investigate participation in and the corresponding usage of FBS. The independent variables include sociodemographics, ICT use, travel characteristics, physical environment, and social context. We found that ICT use has a significant effect on both participation in and the usage of FBS, social context only has a significant effect on participation in FBS, and age and annual individual income have nonlinear effects on the usage of FBS. This study provides policymakers and FBS operators with suggestions for promoting FBS use.

Quantifying residential self-selection effects on commuting mode choice: A natural experiment

Published in Transportation Research Part D, 2022

Though the impact of residential self-selection on travel behavior has been widely discussed in transport studies, few studies have examined its effect on commuting mode choice, particularly when considering the mediating effects of commuting distance and car ownership. By using survey data from 19 large cities in China and taking advantage of the largely exogenous residential locations of social housing residents, we employed a natural experiment framework that combines propensity score weighting and simultaneous equation models to investigate the effects of the built environment and residential self-selection on commuting mode choice. The results show that most direct and indirect effects through commuting distance and car ownership are significant. The total effects of the built environment and residential self-selection have the same coefficient signs for car and regular bike modes, while they have opposite coefficient signs for public transit and e-bike modes.


Published in 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2022

国内以公共交通为导向的开发(transit-oriented development,TOD)研究大多集中在规划实践领域,对于TOD能在多大程度上降低城市居民小汽车出行距离依然有待明确。基于南京市城市居民出行调查数据,采用家庭所在地800 m范围内有无地铁站点定义TOD中“T”因素,以综合密度、混合度、步行评分作为“D”因素。在控制个人社会经济属性和家庭所在地位置因素的基础上,建立Tobit模型,研究TOD对居民小汽车出行距离的减量影响。通过划分TOD、only-T、only-D、non-TOD等4类家庭居住地,分析边际效应发现,当“T”因素从无地铁站点变为有地铁站点时,小汽车出行距离降低19.6%;“D”因素每增加0.01,小汽车出行距离平均下降0.7%;当“T” 与“D”因素综合作用时,小汽车出行距离下降43.4%。依据上述研究结论,提出从only-T向TOD、从non-TOD向only-D转变的规划建议。

The impact of new metro on travel behavior panel analysis using mobile phone data

Published in Transportation Research Part A, 2022

The impact of urban rail transit on changes in various travel behavior outcomes has long been debated. However, few studies have used large-scale panel data to investigate how urban rail transit affects travel behavior. In the case of the new metros in Shenzhen, China, we constructed a four-wave panel of 7,799 residents across two years by using mobile phone data. We used a treatment-control group research design and a difference-in-differences analysis to evaluate the impact of the new metros on travel behavior in catchment areas of 0–1, 1–2, and 2–3 km, respectively. The results show that the appearance of the new metros increased the metro trips and activity space for the residents living in the 0–3 km range, but only increased total trip frequency and distance for the residents living in the 0–1 km range. New metro trips mainly replaced bike, e-bike, and bus trips, and slowed the growth trend of car trips. The findings help planners and policymakers better understand the impact of urban rail transit on the residents’ mobilities.


Published in 现代城市研究, 2022

公交客流量是公交企业在经营中最关注的经济指标,研究天气因素对公交客流量的影响可以帮助公交企业提前应对天气变化造成的公交客流量波动。利用2014 年8—12 月广州市6 路公交的刷卡数据和日平均及小时天气数据,将公交客流量残差作为因变量,气温、天气状况、风力作为自变量,基于多元线性回归方法分别建立经常性乘客和偶发性乘客的工作日、休息日公交日客流量和小时客流量模型。研究发现,天气对公交客流量的影响随着乘客类型(经常性/ 偶发性)的不同、出行模式(工作日/ 休息日)的不同呈现明显的差异性:小雨、中雨/ 大雨会显著降低公交客流量,休息日相比工作日、偶发性乘客相比经常性乘客更加明显;雷阵雨会显著增加偶发性乘客的公交客流量,但对于经常性乘客的影响不显著;气温、多云、阴、雾对公交客流量的影响仅在小时模型中显著。最后从公交运营、公交站点设计及站点周边步行环境设计等方面提出了应对不利天气的建议。

Campus relocation as a natural experiment to investigate the determinants of commuting satisfaction

Published in Travel Behaviour and Society, 2023

A growing body of research has been devoted to studying factors associated with commuting satisfaction, but few studies have examined the causal relationship between them. Opening a new university campus, a typical case of workplace relocation, provides a natural experiment opportunity to study the causal relationship between commuting satisfaction and its determinants. We conducted a retrospective survey of staff at a university in Hangzhou, China, where a campus relocation occurred, assessed the changes in commuting characteristics and satisfaction before and after the relocation, and investigated the determinants of the change in commuting satisfaction using ordered logistic regression. The findings indicate that commuting satisfaction generally decreases after outward campus relocation. The determinants of commuting satisfaction include commuting time, frequency, mode availability, mode preference, travel attitudes, and socioeconomic attributes. Commuting mode availability negatively impacts commuting satisfaction. Primary commuting mode preference fully mediates the impact of primary commuting mode on commuting satisfaction. We offered suggestions for transportation policy and planning to improve commuting satisfaction.


Building the Walkable City in China: Challenges and Plannings


摘要:In the past two decades, China has been experiencing rapid urbanization and motorization. Issues of traffic congestion, air pollution and walking safety caused by urbanization and motorization greatly damage the welfare of pedestrians. The auto-centric concept and the neglect of walking during planning also bring up a number of challenges for pedestrians. This paper outlines the important challenges of walking. The efforts made by Chinese national and city governments to deal with these challenges are then presented. The pedestrian master plan plays an important role in the plan-to-project delivery process. Therefore, this paper closes by introducing the framework and main contents of the pedestrian master plan and discussing problems associated with it, including the lack of data, inadequate attention to walking-transit connection and enforcement and education, and lack of public participation. They point to several promising approaches to improving the pedestrian master plan and strengthening governments’ responsibilities to improve the pedestrian environment. Additionally, this work can be a useful reference to understand the challenges and problems during building a walkable city, in a rapidly growing, urbanizing and motorizing society.

The Pedestrian and Cycling Planning in a Medium-sized City


摘要:Walking and cycling are important component in the urban transportation, residents’life and leisure activities, especially in the medium and small cities.Improving the pedestrian and cycling environment is important, and the pedestrian and cycling planning plays an important role in the process. A pedestrian and cycling planning is introduced in this paper, taking Xuancheng, a medium-sized city as an example. Basing on the analysis of the existing conditions and issues of walking and cycling in Xuancheng, and considering the requirement of residents and the visions of upper level plannings,the planning goals including safety, priority and vibrancy are proposed as well as five objects to support these goals. Then, the planning strategies and actions including structure planning, differentiation district control, important district improvement, public transit access and advanced design guidelines are introduced in detail. At last, some suggestions are given to the planning implementation and management.

An Analysis of Metro Peak-Hour Boarding and Alighting in Hangzhou, China


摘要:While most previous studies of transit usage were conducted for either the average daily ridership or the average daily boarding, this study focused on metro peak-hour boarding and alighting, which were crucial for the design of stations and intermodal connection facilities. After analyzing the range of pedestrian catchment area (PCA) and the factors influencing metro usage, the related data were collected by observation and Geographic Information System (GIS). The Pearson correlation analysis was used to test correlation between factors and metro usage and multi-collinearity. Then three partial least squares (PLS) regression models were developed to explain the relationships of weekday ridership, peak-hour boarding and alighting with the factors at 31 metro stations in Hangzhou. The results showed that 9, 12 and 11 independent variables were important to explain the 3 dependent variables respectively, with the variable importance for projection (VIP) greater than 1.0. The results not only confirm some findings from previous studies but also demonstrate distinct differences regarding some variables specific to the Chinese context. Additionally, the differences of importance in some variables by differentiating the time period are discovered in this study.

An Indicator-based Method for Bus Routing Adjustment


摘要: Increasing the ridership of bus transit through bus routing adjustment is one of the main tasks of transit agencies. A new method to characterize and classify bus routes according to their coverage, transfer and overlap level in meeting the needs of public transit planning is described. Geographic transit network and land use data are used to calculate seven indicators for each bus route: residential area coverage, non-residential area coverage, land use mix, transfer index to/from bus, overlap index with bus, transfer index to/from metro and overlap index with metro. Hierarchical clustering analysis is used to indicate where the largest potential scope exists for adjusting the bus transit system and hence can be used to guide transit planners. The method was applied in Nanjing, China aiming to identify improvable bus routes. Six bus route clusters were generated using hierarchical clustering. The profiles of each cluster are analyzed and corresponding strategies for bus routing adjustment are proposed. ANOVA test shows there is significant difference at the route level ridership among these clusters, which verifies the reasonability of the method.









本科生专业课, 浙江工业大学, 2017



本科生专业课, 浙江工业大学, 2017



公共选修课, 浙江工业大学, 2017



研究生专业课, 浙江工业大学, 2017



研究生专业课, 浙江工业大学, 2018
